Gratis The Greatest: Muhammad Ali de Walter Dean Myers PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Críticas Praise for The Greatest: Muhammad Ali 'Covering Ali is a daunting task, especially since dozens of books and hundreds of articles have been written about him in the last 40 years. Fortunately, young adults have their own award-winning author, one with the perspective of being a young African American in Harlem during the height of the boxer's fame, to tell his story. Myers's writing flows while describing the boxing action and the legend's larger-than-life story.' -- School Library Journal Reseña del editor An inspiring biography of Muhammad Ali from the legendary Walter Dean Myers, reissued under Scholastic Focus for a new generation.From his childhood in the segregated South to his final fight with Parkinson's disease, Muhammad Ali never backed down. He was banned from boxing during his prime because he refused to fight in Vietnam. He became a symbol of the antiwar movement -- and a defender of civil rights. As 'The Greatest,' he was a boxer of undeniable talent and courage. He took the world by storm -- only Ali could 'float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!'Muhammad Ali: Olympic gold medalist, former heavyweight champion, and one of the most influential people of all time. Contraportada An inspiring biography of Muhammad Ali from the legendary Walter Dean Myers, reissued under Scholastic Focus for a new generation. Biografía del autor The late Walter Dean Myers was the 2012-2013 National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. He was the critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of an award-winning body of work which includes Somewhere in the Darkness, Slam!, and Monster. Mr. Myers has received two Newbery Honor medals, five Coretta Scott King Author Book Awards, and three National Book Award Finalist citations. In addition, he was the winner of the first Michael L. Printz Award.

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