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Críticas 'Sweeping in scope, lavish in detail, this is a book to launch many a reader's personal voyage of discovery.' --Starred, Publishers Weekly 'Beautifully conceived and executed, the presentation is a humorous and informative tour de force that will absorb and challenge readers...a fabulous, visually exciting introduction to the man, his ideas and the science of the natural world.' --Starred, School Library Journal 'Sis translates Darwin's written legacy into visual narrative in an extraordinary book that explores Darwin's life, work, and sources of inspiration...The detailed illustrations and narrative complexities demand of readers the same process Darwin set for himself: observe carefully, make connections, and learn.' --Starred, The Horn Book 'Sis incorporates phrases, lines, and paragraphs of text into the artwork of this highly visual biography of Charles Darwin...A sophisticated interpretation that will have rapt admirers, including many adults.' --Booklist 'This enchanting find is for readers of all ages.' --VOYA Sweeping in scope, lavish in detail, this is a book to launch many a reader's personal voyage of discovery. Starred, Publishers Weekly Beautifully conceived and executed, the presentation is a humorous and informative tour de force that will absorb and challenge readers...a fabulous, visually exciting introduction to the man, his ideas and the science of the natural world. Starred, School Library Journal Sis translates Darwin's written legacy into visual narrative in an extraordinary book that explores Darwin's life, work, and sources of inspiration...The detailed illustrations and narrative complexities demand of readers the same process Darwin set for himself: observe carefully, make connections, and learn. Starred, The Horn Book Sis incorporates phrases, lines, and paragraphs of text into the artwork of this highly visual biography of Charles Darwin...A sophisticated interpretation that will have rapt admirers, including many adults. Booklist This enchanting find is for readers of all ages. VOYA ' Sweeping in scope, lavish in detail, this is a book to launch many a reader's personal voyage of discovery. 'Starred, Publishers Weekly' Beautifully conceived and executed, the presentation is a humorous and informative tour de force that will absorb and challenge readers...a fabulous, visually exciting introduction to the man, his ideas and the science of the natural world. 'Starred, School Library Journal' Sis translates Darwin's written legacy into visual narrative in an extraordinary book that explores Darwin's life, work, and sources of inspiration...The detailed illustrations and narrative complexities demand of readers the same process Darwin set for himself: observe carefully, make connections, and learn. 'Starred, The Horn Book' Sis incorporates phrases, lines, and paragraphs of text into the artwork of this highly visual biography of Charles Darwin...A sophisticated interpretation that will have rapt admirers, including many adults. 'Booklist' This enchanting find is for readers of all ages. 'VOYA'' Reseña del editor Charles Darwin was an independent thinker who continues even now to influence the way we look at the natural world. His endless curiosity and passion for detail resulted in a wealth of notebooks, diaries, correspondence, and published writings that Peter Sis transforms into a visual treasure trove. A multi-layered journey through Danivin's world, The Tree of Life begins with his childhood and traces the arc of his life through university and career. In wondrous pictures executed in fine pen and ink and lush watercolours, Peter Sis has shaped a brilliant introduction to Charles Darwin. Biografía del autor Peter Sis is the internationally renowned author and/or illustrator of many books for children, including Starry Messenger: Galileo Galilei; The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain; and Tibet Through the Red Box, all Caldecott Honor books, and The Pilot and the Little Prince. He is the recipient of the 2012 Hans Christian Andersen Award for Illustration and has also been awarded a MacArthur Fellowship. He has lived in and around New York City since 1984.

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