Descargar Ebook Who Was Stephen Hawking? de Jim E Gigliotti PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
[Download] Who Was Stephen Hawking? de Jim E Gigliotti libros ebooks, Who Was Stephen Hawking? espanol pdf
Reseña del editor Learn more about the renowned British scientist, professor, and author who spent his entire career trying to answer the question: 'Where did the universe come from?'Stephen Hawking was born exactly three hundred years after the death of the scientist Galileo, so maybe it was written in the stars that he would become a famous scientist in his own right. Although he was diagnosed with a neurological disease at age 21, Stephen did not let the illness define his life. Known for his groundbreaking work in physics, and identified by his wheelchair and computerized voice system, Stephen continued his research until his death in 2018. He is best known for his black hole theories and his best-selling book A Brief History of Time. Stephen Hawking is an example of a person who had a great mind, but an even greater spirit. Biografía del autor Jim Gigliotti is a writer based in Southern California. A former editor at the National Football League, he has written more than 50 books for readers of all ages, including biographies for young readers on Olympian Jesse Owens, baseball star Roberto Clemente, and musician Stevie Wonder.
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